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February 29, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
I am so grateful for the beauty of the everyday.
A vase of tulips on the customer service desk at the local food cooperative.
Many of you know that I started the daily wish practice when my sister first became ill, and have continued it since her death.
It has brought me great joy, and wonderful healing. I can share the memories of my sister without the crushing sadness of grief, and even laugh at some of the funny moments we shared. I highly recommend the practice of cultivating gratitude in situations where it doesn't seem like there is anything to be grateful for.
February 28, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
While I am waiting for the knitted blanket to be big enough to crawl under, this quilt brings me great comfort.
I bought it more than 30 years ago, from a quilt dealer in New York. At the time it seemed like a LOT of money to pay for something I could theoretically make myself, but I just fell in love with it. I am still deeply in love with it, and it brings me great joy. We have been through a lot together, this quilt and I...
Freshly washed, hanging on the line in the sunshine, it gives me great hope that everything will be alright.
So much turmoil and impending change in my life these days. Some of it good, some of it unclear and murky, some of it downright sad.
As humans, I don't think any of us really like change, even if it is a change for the better. It is just so unsettling to have to transition to something else, something unknown. To just let go and move on.
I am so glad I have this quilt to comfort me along the way.
February 26, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
We take it for granted, the ease with which we remain upright and moving forward, until something renders us incapable.
Then we think what a miracle it is that we can get up out of bed and tie our own shoes and get to work and back again. So many things have to go RIGHT in our complex human wiring to allow us to function somewhat normally, and most of the time we take it for granted.
It seemed impossible yesterday, when I was taking pictures of citrus in the sunshine, hoping for some much needed rain and trying to set up this photo, to comprehend the weather situation in NC. I remembered the anxiety of sheltering in place and the weird color of the sky, and the torrential downpour when the bottom fell out of the sky during a tornado swarm. I knew it was happening, because my devices kept sending me weather warnings, but because I couldn't see it for myself, it didn't seem real. I lost my sense of balance.
I am so grateful for the emails from loved ones, letting me know they had emerged from their basements and safe shelters into the impossibly brilliant sunshine.
When I lose my balance, it is important for me to check in with someone to get their perspective on the situation, not to go it alone, "tough it out" and let my imagination conjure up all kinds of disastrous scenarios. It doesn't help me to watch the news, where the ominous predictions are forecast in brilliant color, with pictures of the devastation. I need to go outside and pull a few weeds, try to manage what I can control, which is my reaction to whatever is going on, based on the information I do have. If I can't go outside, I need to find a quiet place to knit, to regain my balance. Only then can I effectively process what is really going on and decide how to react.
I am getting better at appreciating the little miracles that happen every day.
February 25, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sometimes it takes a village, or a cooperative, or just a dear friend to help get things done.
I am learning to ask for help, and practicing accepting it gracefully.
Recently, I asked several subject matter experts if they would be willing to write articles for the book's website. Not only did they enthusiastically accept, but the first of the articles came in today, and it is so inspiring....can't wait to share it with you!
February 24, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
I am always up early. Today was incredible, watching the full moon set and the sun rise, a wonderful start to the day. I need to remember those moments when I am dealing with people who are convinced the sky is falling and "OMG the thing I have been dreading is here, and it is even worse than I thought...."
Deep breath. I can choose to remain calm and not get sucked into the vortex of their drama.
Knitting helps, as does writing these words and sharing them with you.
February 23, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
I practiced "pitching" my book yesterday. I need more practice! It will be easier when I have a business card with the website for the book. It didn't go as badly as it might have, though, because after the conversation the person came back to me later and said they were really looking forward to reading my book. I may have asked some musicians to play at the launch party, so it is beginning to feel a lot more real.
The blanket knitting is continuing, as is the desire to crawl under the finished object.
I am so inspired by the blankets crocheted by Attic24. Have a look at THIS one!
February 22, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (2)
There has been progress, on the knitting front as well as the editing adventure!
Slow and steady wins the race, so I am working on the blanket while watching sporting events, and editing the book in the wee hours of the morning.
Both of these pursuits are extremely satisfying.
Wishing you a beautiful day, filled with joy and wonder.
February 21, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)
At 3AM this morning, I woke from a dream where I was rescuing somebody in distress.
I could not go back to sleep, and by 4AM I had worked out the plot point that several early readers had wanted resolved. I made coffee, fired up the laptop, and just now, three hours later, I have a major revision to the book completed.
It feels great.
I'll still re-read and edit, right up to the very last minute on the last day of this month (I get an extra day because it is Leap Year!) before the book has to be on the Publisher's desk on the first of March.
After yesterday's post, Danger Girl and I had a little Bored of Directors meeting.
DG: I'm confused. Why are you finally able to call yourself a writer? Haven't you been writing since, like, forever?
Me: Well, yes but I...
DG: and haven't you been paid to write content and other people's stories and gotten them published?
Me: Well, yes, but, I...
DG: and what about the time you
Me: but I don't have a DEGREE in writing!
DG: Oh, I see. Actually I don't. Let's make a list of all of the people who have written or invented great things that don't have a degree in whatever, or even a degree at all.
Me: sigh.
DG: Meeting adjourned. Time for CAKE!
Me: Can't. I'm doing the Whole30, remember?
DG: OK, good for you. I'll eat your piece for you.
In case you are new here, please see this post, or this one for the backstory on Danger Girl, my alter ego.
February 19, 2016 | Permalink | Comments (0)