I am SO ready for the Retrograde to be over. Delays, misunderstandings, technology of all sorts flaming out in spectacular ways....enough, already. I STARTED my day by spilling coffee all over the front of my WHITE Brooks Brothers shirt, which I was wearing because I had a Meeting, which promptly got cancelled AFTER I washed the shirt in the office restroom. The phone system cut out RIGHT in the middle of a conference call of MAJOR IMPORTANCE and none of my spreadsheet updates appear to have been saved in the latest version emailed to the participants of the afternoon Meeting, which was (wait for it) also cancelled.
Went to pick up the Boybird to take him out to dinner and he had JUST left to go to the Y. Got gas, washed the Mommymobile, returned to pick him up and got stuck in a monumental traffic jam with no apparent cause. (Except the Retrograde, natch.)
One of the reasons I am not posting about my Big Plans just yet....must wait for Retrograde to go buh-bye.
Waiting is not my best skill. Not by a long shot. I am so much better at it than I USED to be, but that really isn't saying much.
Is it over yet? Hunh? How about NOW?
In yet another rather dramatic example of the current retrograde debacle, I seem to be completely unable to post any of the brilliant pictures I planned to insert in appropriate places in this post. Well. We will just have to use our imaginations now, won't we....
Imagine, if you will....the lovely yarny fumes coming from a FULL box of kureyon which arrived today from WEBS. TWO fabulous colorways, plus a skein of navy Cotton Classic...destined to be Lanesplitter (unless I am overcome by the urge to knit a mitered crosses blanket FIRST, of course).
I think I shall press PUBLISH, now.
Before anything ELSE goes kerflooey....