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Cat's Eye Studio

Hugs sweetie!!!! It is a horrible thing and really throws your life into a tail spin. I am so glad you found a great doctor I am still searching...

Love and hugs!!!


Thanks for the hugs, Cat!
As is my way, I don't see this as something horrible.
I see it as a chance to really learn something NEW, to solve some long standing mysteries, and to truly be grateful for what goes RIGHT in my life, given the odds of neurons misfiring at any given time...
I've found the right doc for ME, but everybody is different.
All Blessings and LOVE to you on your journey.


Another hug from here, but not too hard. "Just" change your biology, herm? Well, goodness knows you've done HARD things before. You can do this too. Love you, Greta.


Thanks, Norma!
That's pretty much what everyone who knows me well has said...I take it as a great compliment.
I DO love a challenge, and irony,
so the Universe gives me both!
More Terrier Tuesdays will certainly keep me going....
The pupsters here send smooches.
Lots of LOVE right back atcha, dear friend!

Sharlene G

I must be a relief to just finally know something, and to be able to work towards a plan for resolution or just a plan for moving forward! Hang in there--you are in my thoughts!


Thank you Sharlene, it is indeed a relief.
I really appreciate the support.
Lots of love to you and yours!


It's always such a relief to get a solid diagnosis, because then you can constructively begin to deal with whatever it is. I know you are going to overcome this with your strong mind and great heart.


Thank you so much, Jane.
I appreciate the love and support SO much!
It means the world to me.
Love to you, as always!

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