The White Garden at the JC Raulston Arboretum
such a lovely bit of CALM in a hectic week.
I turned my first PGR short row heel, today.
Have the Simple socks book on my Kindle....
The trip with the Boybird was incredibly Joyous.
It's ALL good
and I am feeling very grateful for each small moment.
Lovely! I'm on a new sock heel quest myself. So far, I've done three new to me short row heels, and downloaded the instructions for the PGR heel. I think my next sock will have the Welsh heel, but PGR is definitely on the list.
Posted by: Jane | September 03, 2009 at 10:27 PM
SO glad you like Simple Socks on the Kindle! I'm the publisher, and it took them much longer to convert our books than some others, I think because of the number of illustrations.
Note for Jane: I'm not sure which instructions for the PGR heel you downloaded, but there are some versions out there that produce holes (some smaller, some quite large) up the line where the short-rows are worked back into long rows. Um, those instructions are wrong {wry grin}. If they work, great! If not, don't write off PGR's heel construction just yet. . . .
Posted by: Deb Robson | September 04, 2009 at 07:40 PM