This has been a Very Good Year.
My dear daughter bird graduated from COLLEGE and got her own apartment.
An absolutely Amazing Accomplishment, under any circumstances, but for a young woman on the autism spectrum who was never going to be able to be in a regular classroom without Intervention, Truly Miraculous!
The addition of Ms Molly Poodle to my family has been another highlight of this year. She comes from a good sturdy Farm family, and has the Most Wonderful personality. She had a couple of fairly Major Surgeries, and is doing well. Today is her FIRST Birthday!
I got a job I was very excited about, which is now no longer. This has opened the way for an exciting new project, in the planning stages...more on that tomorrow as I launch the New Year.
Knitting has continued to hold my life together in ways I can hardly count. My dear friends in my knitting groups (both in person and online) have been extraordinarily supportive as I deal with an auto-immune disorder (a result of the spider bite suffered several years ago) and a degenerative spine condition that doesn't allow me to sit for very long or have many pain free moments....
I am counting my Blessings. Friends, far and near, TOP that list!
The New Year will bring a few changes to this blog....
I will once again enable the comments. I miss them terribly, and Typepad assures me that I won't have to spend eleventy billion hours a week dealing with spammage anymore. Woot!
Daily blogging will resume. One of my goals for this New Project is a commitment to daily writing, and photography.
Lots more to come....hope abounds!
A JOYOUS and prosperous New Year to you and yours,