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December 31, 2007 | Permalink
I picked the Daughter bird up from her trip to Busch Gardens in Tampa, FL
and she was all excited about getting her first tree for her new apartment.
She very much wanted to get an artificial tree from the locally owned Ace hardware
store that is within walking distance from her nest.
We had made several trips there for the Thanksgiving essentials
and they were SO nice to her.
She jumped out of my truck, talking about how it would be SO GREAT
not to have to clean up needles or remember to water
or haul it out to the trash after Christmas
and I marvelled at how much she has learned about holiday stress from watching ME
deal with trees over the years (ahem).
By the time I caught up to her, she was in the store,
announcing to EVERYBODY that she was here for her TREE
for her first apartment!
Amazingly, none of the frazzled people in line
were put off by her enthusiasm and the employees
all started asking her about her trip and how she liked her new place.
"Oh, I LOVE it", she exclaimed
"now about that TREE!"
They all kind of looked at the floor and started helping the other customers.
Somebody must have rung the magic Ace hardware
Helpful manager button, because she appeared Just Then
and asked Daughter bird if she could HELP her.
"Oh, YES! I'm here for my tree ma'am...remember we talked about it
before I left for my trip?"
The other customers had all been helped and had left the store.
Everybody gathered around to hear the manager say that it was too LATE,
they'd sold out of trees the week before.
"WHAT?" I could hear the panic rising in the Daughter bird's voice...
"but I want to buy it HERE at my helpful Hardware Store!"
Nobody laughed....they all looked as stricken as she did.
"welllll..." said the manager slowly, looking around
"can you afford twenty dollars for your tree?"
My Daughter looked to me
"can I Mom? Twenty dollars?
I nodded, trying not to get all teary and anxious myself.
"Well then, I think we can sell you that tree right THERE for twenty dollars,
how would that be?"
I'm sure the noise of my jaw dropping was audible,
but I don't remember it....
the fully assembled, pre-lit DISPLAY tree in the lovely urn?
The one that was well over eighty dollars when we last looked?
"Oh! That will be PERFECT ma'am. I have twenty dollars from my paycheck right here!"
The Daughter SKIPPED to the cash register.
The Manager's son carried the tree
(did I mention it was FULLY ASSEMBLED and PRE-LIT?)
out to my truck and then came back to load the box and the directions.
"Merry Christmas!" they all exclaimed as we drove out of sight....
I carried the tree into her mostly bare apartment and put it in the corner and plugged it in.
"isn't it the Most Beautiful TREE, ever?" she sighed happily....
"Now it really can be Christmas!"
yes, dear daughter.
the MOST beautiful.
Merry Christmas to all
and to ALL a
good night.
December 22, 2007 | Permalink
An outcome other than possibly fatal. please.
So far I have nixed the spinal tap without imaging,
but they can't image because there is a nationwide
shortage of the contrast material and they are using it
for (gasp) HUMAN medicine.
Meanwhile, I've been spoon feeding him small amounts
of organic baby food and thickening his water with
rice cereal for toddlers to overcome the dysphasia
and keep him hydrated.
He's doing a little better,
and the plan for NOW
is endoscopy on Thursday
with a possible MRI on Friday.
Not exactly my ideal Holiday plans.
Poor puppy.
HOWEVER, the Daughter bird arrived
safely home from her trip to Busch Gardens
in Tampa, Florida
and wants me to come over tomorrow
to set up a tree with her
and play Christmas music on the radio.
Here's hoping you are safe and warm
and hugging your loved ones
December 18, 2007 | Permalink
It is so nice to FINISH something
when other things seem so nebulous
and out of my control....
PeeWee enjoyed watching me knit
these and was fairly well convinced they were
for HIM to play with!
Mittens for the Daughter bird
in the Rock n Roll colorway
of Wildfoote yarn....Just under one skein!
December 16, 2007 | Permalink
The pup slept last night
and actually began to SNORE
after I rigged up a nesting
situation that propped his nostrils higher than
his throat.
He's only had one fainting spell today,
and thanks to the TREO
in my pocket.
twas videotaped
as requested.
I am feeling loved
and supported from the far reaches
of bloglandia....
and I must say
What a difference it makes
to have all of you
in my life!
My point yesterday, in case you missed it,
what with my disjointed writing...
(typing is tougher with a sick poodle
in one's arms...)
is that I continue to COUNT my BLESSINGS...
no matter the circumstances.
Now, perhaps,
December 15, 2007 | Permalink
Since I saw you last....
I picked up the girlchild from college on Tuesday,
got her all the way home to her nest.
Good Thing #1
The next day my truck broke down
(serpentine belt which was SUPPOSED to have been replaced at the LAST service)
I had to have a CT scan of my sinuses to find out whether I need bone grafts (possibly)
and whether there was a super scary reason for my first ever bout with
Good Thing #2
THEN my little poodle started having episodes
of the not breathing variety.
I had to do the equivalent of CPR on him TWICE
before I rushed him to the vet.
They have seen him three times lately for things that may or may NOT
be related....
so the LAST two days I have spent nearly all of my time (except for a trip to the airport with daughter bird
=Good Thing #3 and a trip to Borders with Boybird=Good THing #4)
at the vet school holding an extremely lethargic little poodle
who may have liver disease,
or a bunch of other scary things,
but certainly has pharyngal dysphasia.
We go back on Monday to spend more money on even fancier tests.
SO, if you are wondering why I did not show up for something or
why the Holiday cards haven't gone out yet,
or why I look
these last few days,
I just thought I'd let you know...
This weekend will be spent cuddling a poodle,
with a little bit of knitting
if I can manage it.
Did I mention that they really want me to try and VIDEO
one of the fainting/not breathing episodes for the neurologists?
December 14, 2007 | Permalink
After you have finished wiping the drool from your keyboard....
go to the techniques/articles sections
and read THIS.
See that part at the end?
The part where the colorways are only available
I hugged her TIGHT and rejoiced with her,
for they are truly stunning
works of art.
My credit card shall melt a little
December 06, 2007 | Permalink