is the PURPLE month in Project Spectrum!
I'll begin with my favorite tee shirt:
and then show you the Silk Garden Lite
colorway that I adore:
Now all I need is TIME to Knit!
I have to tell you a PROUD Mama story about the Boybird....
We went to Harris Teeter ( a grocery store) last Thursday
and I sent him to get a bag of CHIPS.
He came back with TWO large bags.
I started to tell him to put one back, but before I even
got the sentence STARTED, he said
several times.
Then he headed for the self-checkout lane.
He scanned the chips,
put them in the bag,
pressed NO for *do you have any other items*,
NO for *do you have any coupons*,
He held out his hand and I gave him his five dollar bill.
He inserted it VERY carefully,
right side up and held his breath.
The machine took his money, gave him a receipt
and change,
and he happily headed out to the Mommymobile with
his *groceries*.
I was almost in tears. The grocery store is typically the site of
his Major meltdowns.
(we're talking weapons of autisticmass destruction, here)
He does not understand why you go all over the store,
get what your Mother says you need,
then you have to talk to the lady who takes it all away
and asks you questions like
*Did you find everything you NEEDed?*
(which of course he HASN'T because he needed salty snacks and chocolate cake
and ice cream...)
Then you have to give her Money
(which is a total mystery to him)
then somebody else puts all your stuff in bags
and gets it all mixed up in the wrong
categories and then says
*Have a nice Day!*
We *HEART* Harris Teeter for putting in the self-checkout
lane. One small step for the Boybird....
Now we have SEVERAL new things to celebrate on INDEPENDENCE day!