I quickly placed an order after reading THIS
and was DELIGHTED when I opened the box from Indigirl!
Look what was inside the Jordana Paige bag:
Wanna see the yarn up CLOSE?
W is also for Walkies,
where we watch for WOODPILES!
« January 2006 | Main | March 2006 »
The Olympic Knitting has concluded,
and the SOCKS were the Gold Medalist!
Knit on US5 birch dpns,
with Rowan's CORK yarn in the SNUGGLE colorway,
from the most excellent pattern in Handknit Holiday
book by Melanie Falick...
Nothing flashy, just steady persistent knitting
with an excellent fiber and a terrific pattern.
The FAVORITE, going into the long program
was the PI shawl...
PERFECT in the short program,
it was just not meant to be.
Somewhere in the last rounds of the 288 stitches section,
there were a couple of unfortunate errors...
and although I kept going,
in the end the Sasha Shawl
was frogged.
I'll try again with larger needles
and more markers,
as I do think it will be beautiful
and well worth the effort.
How was YOUR Olympic experience?
I have to say that I was really underwhelmed.
The Games were always so dear to my heart, but now
they have become so dominated by television
coverage and the money that goes along with that...
I just spent most of my time with my finger on the MUTE
button, and not just for the mindless repetition of commercials
for NBC shows that I have NO intention of watching.
I was furious and appalled at all of the negative comments by the
so called EXPERT commentators.
These athletes trained HARD for these Games (with the notable exception
of some of the media darlings) and I think it must be very discouraging
for young athletes to have THAT to aspire to.
The Olympics have always made me PROUD and inspired me
in so many ways.
I feel a real sense of loss.
I think I'll stick to my Knitting.
February 27, 2006 | Permalink
The boybird has always been obsessed with umbrellas
of all kinds,
and loves to *spin* them.
It poured heavily here yesterday morning,
and then cleared up just in time for our
afternoon outing...
I thought the umbrella looked
lovely, drying on the porch.
Hope your skies are sunny.....
or that you have shelter from the storms....
Happy Weekend!
February 24, 2006 | Permalink
There's the turned heel on my kitchen table....
I like to teach around a table.
There is something so wonderful about the democracy
of kitchen table gatherings,
and so I am especially pleased
to be teaching at my wonderful LYS
where there are Two Tables for Teaching!
For students who are checking in to find out,
the Advanced Sock class
(featuring The Turkish Toe up Technique)
will begin March 22.
When I first met my friend Debbie,
we used to meet at her house and have
banana bread and coffee
and KNIT at her kitchen table
while our children played.
Even though we've never lived
in the same town again,
(gosh, has it been TEN years?)
whenever we talk on the phone
I feel that same closeness
and warmth...
T is also for THURSDAY,
my day with the Boybird.
We're off to Borders this afternoon
so he can redeem a gift card
and I can get the magazine
with the Knitted BACON scarf
(available in fakon for vegans...
teehee) and the Giant Robot on the cover.
Japanese pop culture....
gotta love it!
February 23, 2006 | Permalink
Sewing Stash
I LOVE to sew....mostly by hand,
but as with my knitting,
the stash needs some
I've always wanted these wire basket towers,
having seen them in so many glamour photo
shoots of art quilter studios...
they aren't as STURDY as I had hoped for,
S is also for SAFARI,
which at long last, appears to be supported
February 22, 2006 | Permalink
As soon as I saw these at the Folk Art Show,
I knew I had to have one!
My Daddy would have LOVED these,
and as I picked each one of them up,
I wondered how I would ever choose
Just the RIGHT one.
I talked to their creator,
a high school special ed teacher
who taught himself to make Art from Found Objects to
*stay sane*
and told him
I hoped he realized what a difference he was making,
just by showing up at work everyday.
We talked a little bit about the boybird
and he was full of questions about the
daughter bird going to college...
I told him I was trying to decide which of the
ROBOTS to take home
and he said
*OH, well they all have names on the backs...*
The very next one I picked up
had My Daddy's nickname!
Now he's up there on my bookshelves,
right next to the Invention.
I think he's RATHER handsome,
don't you?
February 21, 2006 | Permalink
Gypsy has settled in and assumed
her Rightful Position in the household.
She spends less and less time under or behind the furniture
these days,
mostly stretched out
and recovering
from her trauma.
She loves to watch the wildlife
outside from her comfortable perch
and have her chin rubbed.
This weekend she shivered a little,
watching the snowflakes....
remembering, perhaps
that she didn't always have the
luxury of the Insiders Life.
February 20, 2006 | Permalink
Now, I have to confess that the way I *found out*
about the new postage hike was by
finding something in my mail box that I was POSITIVE
I had sent out in time for the deadline.
I was standing there in front of my mailbox,
PONDERING the situation,
when my Pleasant Postal Person
said kindly
*Um, you know, it's 39 cents now....*
and then asked me how my son was doing and
say, isn't this weather PREPOSTEROUS...
I giggled.
Went straight to the Post Office
and asked for
Pretty Postage.
*How about animals?*
asked the Portly Gentleman with the
Pictures of his Progeny
on his badge...
PERFECT, I said...
I know just who I need to send a
PARDON the grammar,
Perhaps I'd better go have some coffee!
P is also for POSSIBILITY
which I'm allowing for this afternoon
as the new lens is in at the
eye doctor! Prayers, PLEASE
that this will be the right fit...
Here's hoping YOUR weekend is in focus!
February 17, 2006 | Permalink
The finished sock is pictured here,
reclining gracefully among the winter aconite...
It was SUCH a lovely day yesterday that I sat OUTSIDE after class
and soaked up some sixty degree (F) sunshine!
I worked on the second sock
(From Handknit Holidays book in Rowan Cork, on size 5US dpns....)
and admired the flowers....
while dreaming of Spring!
February 16, 2006 | Permalink