One of the reasons I love to knit (and sew and make stuff in general...) is that it gives me the POWER
to get what I want, the way I want it.
For instance, IF I were going to my high school reunion in July
(which, sadly, coincides with an obligation of Dear Daughter's...)
I'd be wearing THIS dress with THESE shoes, and the shrug in need of an edging treatment....
See how Elspeth has her lip all curled up, snarly-like?
Oh wait, here's a CLOSER view
of the very unladylike sleeve.
The metaphoric ramifications of the perfect red shoes and missing my reunion are not lost on me,
don't you worry Auntie EM, but my kiddos come first and so alas, I'll have to hear about the party
second or third hand, via email no doubt.
In other knitting news...while waiting for the Air Conditioning Guy (who has promised to return today with PARTS, imagine that...) I've been working on the AMAZING solar dyed, finished with seawater sheepiness from MSWF and the Dread bag from our own indigirl, AMY. Imagine my delight then, to find in my comments, that the lovely and talented Amy (who ROCKS as a designer IMHO) works with my fabulous Brother! Oh how I love this knitblog community....RACHAEL was right all along when she said
that the Internet was INVENTED so we all could MEET. Absofreakinloootly!
Daughter and I went to see the adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl last night and on the way out of the theater I said *WELL, what did you like the best about the movie?*
Significant silence. I could see her struggling for a response.
Finally she said *Mom, is it a kind thing to say that I liked the popcorn and the soda the most? That's diplomacy, isn't it?*
snort. Oh how I love that child!
May your day be filled with opportunities for diplomacy....
and the perfect shoes.