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I just wish I could dive into that ball of yarn! Man does that look inviting! Beautiful soft color too!


That Kidsilk Haze looks lovely. It's one of my knitting life-goals to knit a shawl with it, but the budget just won't stand it right now. That shawl is going to be beautiful.


Yay for lace knitting! That green color is fabulous! and that tiny, cobwebby yarn is absolutely addicting!


I liked knitting with Kid Silk Haze a lot more than I thought I would--I'm not usually a fan of fuzzy--but it was really nice! And the best part? It barely shed at all . . . gotta love that in a mohair!


Yay Tiger, go Tiger... go Tiger!!!
We are very excited. That's all I'm saying. :)


That is a very pretty Kidsilk Haze color.

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