I grew up in a family where multi-tasking is what you do when you aren't feeling well enough to go all out. I've never been very good at just relaxing and chilling out. Napping is a Very New Thing. Still not sure if I should feel guilty for wasting the time ( I COULD have been making something....)
So, I popped my fully napped self into the Mommymobile and drove North to see the most beautiful girl in the world and her amazingly wonderful Mommy, maggi. What a treat. Pulling up and seeing them raking the leaves in the sunshine, and the grin on the wee C's face when I asked her if she'd like to help carry the prezzies...
We knit while the babe napped and ate soup on the front porch and went to the park when she woke up, and colored in the Wiggles book....The kitties helped by trying to eat the crayons, to which the babe sternly told them *NOT a Food Item*. teehee.
Sunday morning we ate waffles and read the paper and *builded stuff* (an imaginary museum, the world's tallest tower, always with ramps for the Little People figure in the wheelchair, and oh, this museum allowed PETS, so a fun time was had by ALL) before knocking them down.
SO now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy and it's a good thing, too because it started rainng ICE just before the home stretch of the trip...I feel like the star of the Macy's Day parade, all bundled in Layers, cuz it is COLD.
Tomorrow I pick up the Daughter bird at the airport and we'll start the Holiday Baking Marathon. The boy bird has a busy work and social schedule, so not sure yet when he'll be joining us.
It's beginning to feel a LOT like Christmas!
Hi Greta. I haven't commented here for ages. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy hearing about the kids and how wonderful they are doing. Merry, Merry, Christmas!
Posted by: Brenda | December 20, 2004 at 01:39 PM
Raining ice. Um, anything you need between now and when the ice goes away is getting to your house via takeout, 'kay?
Posted by: Kona | December 20, 2004 at 02:13 PM
Cold huh? It's MINUS 26 celcius here, balmy compared to the -35 we woke up to, with -46 windchill (just to take the edge off so we don't overheat). And it isn't even officially winter yet. My leaves are buried under at least a foot of snow. Ah well, that's what handspun, handknit socks are for. How goes the Carolina Blue Sky?
Posted by: elizabeth | December 20, 2004 at 04:24 PM
Merry Christmas to you Greta, and your little birds, and dear Sandy! Joy to you all.
Posted by: Jane | December 20, 2004 at 04:53 PM
Oh, I envy you and the time you get to spend with others. And the time they get to spend with YOU! Merry Christmas, you sweetie pie. xxooxxoo
Posted by: Kim | December 21, 2004 at 05:51 AM