Dude. We have ordered ourselves a Ninja Turtles cake and the boy is thrilled. I'm not hip to why the green guys have made a comeback, but my kiddos dearly love them and can recite long sections of dialogue...and don't get me started on the Theme Song. Really. I already have a headache. It is an autistic thing. (the dialogue, not the headache.) We were somewhere a couple of weeks ago and I patiently explained to the young clerk who didn't want to wait on us because of boybird's strange noises (he was imitating the central heating and cooling system of the shoe store) that he was autistic. *Oh* she said *okay, so he doesn't, like, TALK?* I refrained from remarking that technically, his sentence structure was like, WAY, better than hers, dude. Just at that moment, he started reciting a long monologue from one of his favorite Looney Tunes episodes. *HEY* says young gum chewing clerk *I thought he didn't TALK. 'sup with that?* Like I had tried to get over with pretending he was something he wasn't.....sigh.
Echolalia is the technical term for repeating back what you have *heard*, but not an appropriate answer to a question. When the daughter bird was young, one of the *proclamations* was that she'd never ask or answer a question. Teehee. How I would love to find that nuerologists office now and say hey dude, we got your answers to QUESTIONS right here. When I asked her what the fascination was with the Ninja Turtles, she very patiently explained that they fight evil, eat pizza and sound like they are from California. What's not to like, Mom?
Turtle POWER!
I adore your kids!
Posted by: Christy | September 07, 2004 at 07:54 AM
Dude, the Turtles are making a comeback? Oh man, I could have waited another 20 or 30 years for that to occur.
*Ditto on Christy's comment!* xxoo
Posted by: Kim | September 07, 2004 at 08:16 AM
We have a high level of Turtle-Awareness around here these days, thanks to my boychild. Just be glad it isn't Yu-Gi-Oh. Trying to figure out the intricacies of that particular phenomenon would give anyone a headache!
Glad you have a birthday and CAKE to look forward to! :)
Posted by: Christine | September 07, 2004 at 09:44 AM
Cow-a-bung-a dude! LOL! Thanks for the offer of helping with a neurologist - depending upon what happens in the next couple of weeks you may hear from me. Take it easy with the eyes - put on something that soothes and have a nice cuppa.
Posted by: lillium | September 07, 2004 at 11:38 AM
You do know that we listened to a TMNT dvd *all the way to CA*, right? Raphael is the fave here, 'cause you know, his mask is RED. In fact, I sewed a fabric version a couple of days ago because we finally ran out of red crepe paper...
Posted by: Ann | September 07, 2004 at 12:12 PM
I thought of you and the kids today as another mom and I went to see the big mouse with our kids. Lots of noises coming from our two. Meg, a quiet self-talker. Owen, a loud train noise maker. Owen does not have much echolalia or scripting. He did, however, annoy many people at the bank this morning as he tried to "convince" me to let him ride the elevator.
BTW, Cameron loves the Turtles. :)
Posted by: Kathleen | September 07, 2004 at 02:19 PM
I learn so much from you when you share this stuff with all of us. (I mean about the autism, not the turtles, LOL). Can you believe they are back?
Posted by: Mary Beth | September 07, 2004 at 02:36 PM
I consider the whole 80s toy renaissance to be rooted in the fact that the parents either (a) want all the toys they had as kids again or (b) want all the toys their parents wouldn't buy for them when they were kids. Honestly, walking into a toy section is starting to be a time warp, what with Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Transformers and TMNT.
Posted by: Sarah | September 07, 2004 at 04:49 PM
I think Sarah has hit it on the nose.. all those toys and fads of our youths coming back for somewhat selfish reasons ;) How old is your son?
Posted by: amy | September 07, 2004 at 11:37 PM
Dude, what do you mean "sound like they're from CA"? We don't have an accent, dude.
Posted by: Silvia | September 07, 2004 at 11:39 PM
I love it when you talk about your kids -- they're always the heroes of the stories. :)
Posted by: alison | September 09, 2004 at 04:20 PM