My children gave me an early surprize Birthday party last night at Chuck E Cheese. It hadn't begun to rain HARD yet, and they had a BLAST, running from game to game, eating pizza and chocolate cake, dancing with the larger than Life size Rodent, himself. After we cut the cake (and shared it with the children at the next table whose eyes were big as saucers....because we were having a Mommy birthday heh heh.....) the Boy bird noticed that there weren't any Presents to open. I ran out to the truck and got the Fedex envelope that had arrived just before we left the house. I handed it to him (the official opener of presents) He tore open the envelope and handed the card to his sister (the official dramatic reader of cards) and the wrapped package to me. They leaned in closer to see what Mommy got....
The Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton book...woooohoooo! Boy bird clapped and grinned ( he LOVES that Debbieduck!) and ran to spend his last few tokens. Daughter bird sat there for a moment, thinking, and then said
"Mom, do you think when I'm your age I'll have a best friend who sends me the EXACT book I've been wanting for my Birthday?"
GULP. "I hope so, sweetheart."
"okay, I'm gonna go cash in my tickets, now. Happy Early Birthday!"
We took the Boy bird back to his nest. By that time it was raining pretty hard. We drove home the Back Way, on the Cow Road. All the cows were hunkered down and it was eerily quiet. The sky was turning a spectacular shade of ORANGE and then, just after we pulled in the driveway and RAN into the house, it got Very Very Black. I saw the top of the tornado about four miles away. It was incredible. The power of nature, she is a thing to behold. It poured here all night long, with intermittent thunder and lightning and some gusty winds. I know we are only experiencing the very minimal outer bands of rain at this heart and prayers go out to everyone who was in the path yesterday or in harm's way today. Be safe out there, okay?
Last night, for the first time EVER, I did not watch the entire parade of nations. I LOVED the Opening ceremonies, but the combination of the commercial breaks and Bob/Katie dumbdown version...I switched to the Weather Channel....and never went back. I'll be glued to the set for the swimming and gymnastics today of course, finishing the Pink Handspun goodie for the Poodle Princess.
Here's hoping you and yours are SAFE today.....
Don't you love the book! It's fab. Hope you have a wonderfull Birthday! Be safe during this mess. They are saying we may get it pretty bad here in So VA. Did you enjoy the olympics last night. I can't wait for them to start today. Knitting ready...
Posted by: Melissa | August 14, 2004 at 09:01 AM
Happy Early Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day. I need to put that book on my wish list *grin*
Posted by: KnitSteph | August 14, 2004 at 09:49 AM
I couldn't bear to watch/listen to the opening ceremonies either, for that exact same reason. It is exhausting to hear Bob/Katie drone on and on and on....
Please tell when is your exact birthday!
Posted by: Annie | August 14, 2004 at 11:15 AM
Happy early birthday!
I'm glad I'm in Canada and don't have to watch Bob/Kate, we have the old CBC (Canadian Broadcast Network). But I forgot all about the opening ceremonies last night.
Posted by: Brenda | August 14, 2004 at 11:45 AM
You know how to give the girl who grew up in Nebraska chills. Glad you were safe from the Very Black Cloud.
Did they sing "Happy Early Birthday"?
Posted by: Ann | August 14, 2004 at 12:27 PM
Goodness, the very thought of you and yours so very close to that mighty Weather freezes the blood in my veins. Be safe, dearest. And big hugs sent your way.
Posted by: Nathania | August 14, 2004 at 12:51 PM
Annie, the Actual birthday is the 20th ;) but as I shall be AWAY with the College bound bird....and Ann, there were no candles or singing because TECHNICALLY it was NOT my date of birth. They crack me up.
Posted by: greta | August 14, 2004 at 01:39 PM
Those are some nice, kind kids you have there. Which doesn't surprise me in the least! :)
seeing that tornado must have been freaking awesome! And scary!!! I'm glad you are safe. We are battening down for some annoying wind and much rain, but nothing like the south had!
Posted by: sandy | August 14, 2004 at 06:14 PM
Greta what a fabulous early birthday. We have just gotten over the hand stamp at chuck e cheese. We are still afraid of the ride on rides and haven't come to enjoy birthday parties just yet. although, he was whisper singing happy birthday the other day. i am so glad you and the kids are doing okay weather wise. and can't wait to hear about the college stuff.
Posted by: Kathleen | August 14, 2004 at 06:22 PM
Happy early bithday, then, and hope you guys aren't flooding too much. My yard is wet. Very wet. But no trees have fallen or anything (fingers still crossed). :)
Posted by: Gina | August 14, 2004 at 06:24 PM
I can just see her face, asking you that.... Gulp, indeed.
:) Good thing *I* wished you Happy Really Really Early Birthday, too! xo
Posted by: Rachael | August 14, 2004 at 06:54 PM
Very happy early birthday!! (and really, can you ask for a better real birthday celebration than taking Daughter Bird to college?) Keeping fingers crossed that the nasty weather doesn't get any closer... tornadoes are freaky, arent' they?
Posted by: Melissa | August 15, 2004 at 12:58 AM