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Yay for heavy tomatoes and ripe sunshine and happy horses and places where the air smells sweet. What a gorgeous photo. Thanks for this....


I would give anything to be able to still ride horses (Gulliver's Travels notwithstanding). I've been allergic to them since I was 9. Oh, I miss them. Maybe I'll just take a double hit of Claritin and head out to a stable one of these days.


They are simply gorgeous! I love their soft noses and kind eyes. I am blessed to live near many farms and often drive aimlessly through the countryside enjoying the solitude and richness of the land.


Kaelyn and I definitely agree with you! Hopefully soon we'll be able to take that horseback riding vacation in Europe we've been dreaming about.


Sigh. And happy sigh again. I need to go find me some horsies.


I always have the weirdest feeling of almost deja vu, but not quite that when I get to ride a horse. Like I've done this before, but not in this lifetime... sounds weird huh? A deja vu of a previous life? Don't know about that, but the feeling is so hard to describe.

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