Aren't they gorgeous? I've never really outgrown my Love of Horses (although now I am at the age where I definitely prefer visiting the barn where somebody else has the privelege of getting up at 4am to feed and muck out the stalls and figure out how to deal with the flies).
Contrary to what might SEEM like a proliferation of endless cookie cutter subdivisions, there are still Places Left Wild, where people live in small wooden houses, crafted by their own hands, under groves of sheltering trees. The horses and dogs have the run of the land and have HUGE buildings for their comfort and safety. Chickens scratch, and flowers grow. Cats live fat and happy in the Barn. The tomatoes are heavy in your hand, and smell like Heaven. Rachael is right. The view from a trotting horse is the one that counts.
Yay for heavy tomatoes and ripe sunshine and happy horses and places where the air smells sweet. What a gorgeous photo. Thanks for this....
Posted by: Rachael | August 13, 2004 at 08:13 AM
I would give anything to be able to still ride horses (Gulliver's Travels notwithstanding). I've been allergic to them since I was 9. Oh, I miss them. Maybe I'll just take a double hit of Claritin and head out to a stable one of these days.
Posted by: Em | August 13, 2004 at 09:26 AM
They are simply gorgeous! I love their soft noses and kind eyes. I am blessed to live near many farms and often drive aimlessly through the countryside enjoying the solitude and richness of the land.
Posted by: sUsAn | August 13, 2004 at 09:32 AM
Kaelyn and I definitely agree with you! Hopefully soon we'll be able to take that horseback riding vacation in Europe we've been dreaming about.
Posted by: Nathania | August 13, 2004 at 11:53 AM
Sigh. And happy sigh again. I need to go find me some horsies.
Posted by: Bethany | August 13, 2004 at 01:52 PM
I always have the weirdest feeling of almost deja vu, but not quite that when I get to ride a horse. Like I've done this before, but not in this lifetime... sounds weird huh? A deja vu of a previous life? Don't know about that, but the feeling is so hard to describe.
Posted by: Sharlene | August 13, 2004 at 05:02 PM