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Oooooeeeeee I love your hat, and that colour is fabulous.
Have a wonderful time with boy bird.


Rachael here again.....
Just a few daysssssssssssssss..............


Have fun with the Boy. And wear the hat, even if it is floppy. Soft is good!


your hat looks great! What is under it in the picture -- do you have it blocking on another hat? Only 2 more days!!!


giggle. YES! It is blocking on top of another hat (that FITS)....ann wins the eagle eye prize for the morning!


Have a great afternoon with Boy Bird. I hope you all are doing something fun. :) I have to get Owen's TV/VCR off to his school today--with its 4 year warranty. Woohoo!


Hope your afternoon with your son is great. Love the hat!
I am using the cotton/tencel yarn for my Carolina Cardi, and I *would* love it if I ever got a chance to actually knit with it!


Oh, adorable hat. Can't wait to hear all about your day with the boy bird. Smooch!


Great hat - - and thanks for the tip about using yarn that's not too soft, I'll look for something with a little 'body' to it. Cheers!

Bonne Marie

Your hat looks FAB!!!!

I love the color - just adorable...


Love that color! I came back from the flower mart this morning with some tulips and peonies that are very similar in color. So spring-y!!

Have a fabulous day with your kids!


Oh, sure, taunt me out here on the left coast, where I will surely be waiting for another week for my IK... Have a grand time today!!! xoxo


What a LOVELY Bucket! Can't *wait* to make mine... speaking of Salt Peanuts...? How goes it? Inquiring minds are dying to know!

Have a wonderful afternoon with Boy Bird. :) I think I remember you mentioning therapeutic riding awile back. I will be volunteering at such a facility in a couple of months through work and am intrigued, any good links for more info?


Boy Bird in a house of his own. Imagine that people probablly told you he would never (and we are taught to never say never) do that. I know that as I follow the road of your past with raising an autistic normal child I dream of the day when I say "I told you he could do it", to every professional and some not so well meaning "friends" who ever said "One day you may need to look for permanent placement for him, that one day you may not be able to handle him". That will be my child in a house of his own one day!! Have a joyous wonderfull day with your children. BTW I purchased on your recommendation Knitting into the Mystery & am hoping to meet with my preacher to set up a group at my church.

Hugs & Prayers,



Oooh, love the hat! I'm a total failure with non-felted BUPs, but I may have to give it a try. You're a knitting (and otherwise) inspiration.


Great hat, and a good idea to block it on top of another!

What an accomplishment---your son and his house. Fabulous!!

When I saw that you had your Interweave Knits, I ran to my mailbox---but alas, I'll probably get mine around the same time as Ann. Ha!

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