I'm off to procure a card reader (THANKS for the tech support!) so that I can post pictures of the amazing Valomilks! See Mariko for details. Suffice to say that yesterday when I needed a break (and functioning Facilities) I turned lunch into an opportunity to Quest. FOR CHOCOLATE!
Oh, baby. Now I am picky about chocolate, leaning more toward the Milk and away from the Dark Side...and not much of a marshmallow-in-the-middle kinda gal. Might I just say, MMMMMM. Further taste testing WILL be required. Repeatable results, and all that Jazz.
I will skip the gory details of the Pesky Plumbing Project and go straight to the good news....
Mom got her stitches out and the pathology came back CLEAN, which means they got it all, Woo and Hoo! I am hugely relieved, and oh so happy for her. Thanks as always for the support and prayers, it really does make all the difference in the Universe.
Now I must be off to the Post Office, to spread the joy of Valomilks far and wide (and to reduce the temptation to become likewise....) and then on to get Gadgets!
Stay tuned, as tomorrow I will attempt to dazzle you with my newly acquired gizmos.
Watch me pull a Rabbit out of my hat, Rock.
Greta, what a relief for your mom and your family. I hope she is feeling well. Good luck with gadgets today. I look forward to these chocolately pics.
Posted by: Kathleen | March 26, 2004 at 08:49 AM
whew. I'll tell Mom later today. I'm so glad GLAD!
Posted by: Rachael | March 26, 2004 at 09:01 AM
Hooray! A blessed relief. Now, back to those chocolates ~ oh, but I'm more eager for pix, as it's been AGES since we saw you & yours on the other coast . . .
Posted by: Maggi | March 26, 2004 at 10:04 AM
Oh I am so happy to hear the good news about your mom! What a weight off everyone's shoulders that must be!
Chocolate is my downfall. I have to drive FAR away from the See's store these days, as I'm trying to be "good".
I swear, that place has it's own gravitational field!
Posted by: Christine | March 26, 2004 at 10:16 AM
I am so thankful about your Mom.
Had to laugh at your "far and wide" line. That is me right now, avoiding the temptation. Mmmm. chocolate :)
Posted by: annie | March 26, 2004 at 10:42 AM
Fantastic news about your Mom! Ooohh, we must try chocolate together sometime, as you can sample the milk, and that would leave the dark for *me*. Muuuhahahaha!
Posted by: Kim | March 26, 2004 at 11:31 AM
I'm so happy to hear about your mom! Good luck with your plumbing....
Posted by: Melissa | March 26, 2004 at 11:35 AM
THAT is fabulous news. Incredible, amazing, wonderful, fabulous news.
Posted by: Ann | March 26, 2004 at 02:11 PM
Glad to see the good news about your mom! Definately a reason to celebrate. I LOVE chocolate - especially dark. But I'm bummed today, because I bought some chocolate covered raisins at the grocery store from the help-yourself bin and there were choc. covered peanuts mixed in. YUCK. I love peanuts, but not as candy. But it hasn't stopped me from digging through to find the raisins. Can't wait to see those photos. Good luck with your new gizmo.
Posted by: Jane | March 26, 2004 at 06:41 PM
Glad to see the good news about your mom! Definately a reason to celebrate. I LOVE chocolate - especially dark. But I'm bummed today, because I bought some chocolate covered raisins at the grocery store from the help-yourself bin and there were choc. covered peanuts mixed in. YUCK. I love peanuts, but not as candy. But it hasn't stopped me from digging through to find the raisins. Can't wait to see those photos. Good luck with your new gizmo.
Posted by: Jane | March 26, 2004 at 06:43 PM
Yay for the Mom good news! Mmmmm chocolate, certified addict here.
Posted by: Bliss | March 27, 2004 at 06:47 AM