Snowbell and Saracat here...Mommy says we can tell you a story today because she has to deal with a Plumbing Problem. We don't like these Plumbing Problems onelittlebit, no we do NOT, although we heard some very interesting new words this morning, and if we knew how to spell our way out of a paper bag, we'd share them with you....
First, before we tell ANY stories, we want to send out a big MEOWR to all the kitties out there whose people are proudly taking pictures and posting them on the blogs...Oh, We see Digit and Adah and Bea and Scout and Lucy...can you see us waving? Well, of course you can't! Our Mommy, unlike yours, has her priorities all out of whack. I'm sure you agree that the first order of business when you switch over to a new computer is to make sure your camera is compatible with the operating software and take lots of adorable kitty cat pictures to test it all out, reward your kitty models with special treats (as is specified in our CONTRACT) and post them prominently so that other cats, whilst walking atop THEIR people's keyboards can have something gorgeous to look at....
It's all about US, anyway...but you KNEW that, so, okay, now we'll tell you the story.
We are both rescue kitties. I'm sure you know what this is...when a person comes to a certain stage in their lives when they NEED some help, the word goes out and one of us shows up on their doorstep to rescue them..... We've heard silly stories about people who actually sleep through the night, every NIGHT without the exercise they need. This is very very bad for People. They NEED to be awakened at least two or three times a night so they don't lose their ability to see in the dark. We take turns at this important job and since our mommy had eye surgery we know it is VERY important for her to regain her Night Vision. We've been extra helpful. We move the dishes around so that she can practice her agility, and since we know it is harder for her to focus lately, we leave our presents of cave crickets and spiders in the sink, right where she can see them as soon as she turns on the light to fill our water bowls. We thought since we had been so extra helpful she would move Knitting the Kitty Beds to the top of that LIST thing.
Here's the POINT of our story. We need your help. Please remind our Mommy of the Importance of Structure and the making of Lists. She has forgotten some of this since the BOY has moved out. WE think she'd cry a little less and not miss him so much if she'd concentrate on setting a Goal (which would be Knitting The Kitty Beds) and breaking it down into small, easily accomplished tasks (like feeding the cats, petting the cats, letting the cats sleep in the noro pile while the beds are being KNIT....)
Gosh, we're exhausted from all this typing. Time to go upstairs and see what all that NOISE is about. We thought we heard something like the whole floor has to be ripped up, but that can't be right, can it? Why would you need to rip up the FLOOR when the water is running down through the WALLS into the kitchen? Oh well, she'll take care of it. Now which button should we push? Oh there it is, PUBLISH.
As you were....
I know how it is with Mums who forget to put the true stars on their pages. In this household we let Mr Bryn think he is the picture kinf but Caravaggio and I know the truth is that such beauty as ours is hard to capture using a camera and our Mum has enough trouble trying to find the shutter bitton before we even begin to mention her lack of focus and that's without the camera :0)
I remember when Mum was lying in the old bath in the tin shack she called a bath room and we all suddenly heard some new and very colourful words coming out of there, she appeared naked and grabbed the umbrella from the hook and went back in to the bathroom when we all poked our heads round the door she was back in the bath with the umbrella stuck in the hole that had appeared in the roof.....she was still mutterring about buckets of hot water not being wasted when she came out again and put her rubber boots on and went outside. We think she forgot she still didn't have any clothes on put she climbed up on the roof and started hammering and speaking VERY loudly using even more new words. It was very windy and rainy that day so maybe she just decided she wasn't going to get any more clothes wet but we still think she forgot she was naked.
She tells us that the leaks and damp patches are normal when renovating a cottage but some of our friends say their Mums never go up on a roof naked so we just smile when she tells us this and ask for some extra munchies to stop us laughing.
Yours in feline fraternity, Florintina
Posted by: Florintina owner of Daisy-Winifred | March 25, 2004 at 07:58 AM
Dagnabbit, Greta's cats, you're gonna make me get rescued! A call's come from some 11-yr-old black fella whose person leaves him alone too much . . .
Posted by: Maggi | March 25, 2004 at 09:18 AM
hee hee - Kitties, you're doing everything right - making Daisy-Winifred tell great naked stories, and making Maggi hear the call of the wild..... Now just leave your Mom alone for three seconds while she takes a VERY DEEP breath, and then send her lots of purring love....
Posted by: Rachael | March 25, 2004 at 12:27 PM
Dear Kitties - When your mommy is done with her plumbing problem, please tell her if she doesn't have one, she should get a card reader. That's the easiest way to put your pretty pictures on her blog. Then she doesn't need to worry about the camera talking nicely to her operating system. That's what my mom does. A friendly woof to you from Bandit.
Posted by: Jane | March 25, 2004 at 05:59 PM
Kitties...stay out of the Noro pile...Mommy won't like that! Tell Mommy, "Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to." Just like you guys do, and boy, does she wonder!
Posted by: Carrie | March 25, 2004 at 09:24 PM
*snort* Humans.
Posted by: Scout | March 26, 2004 at 07:55 AM