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Greta, what a wonderful trip this has been for you and your daughter. I am so happy you two were able to make it together. It sounds like a beautiful adventure.


Dearest Greta,
Portland is 3 hours from me. Eugene is much closer. Can you get of the train one day in Eugene and get on a day or two later? You could spend a little time seeing Eugene (book stores, yarn shops, good community!) and come spend the night at my farm. We've got a spare bed and plenty of cats. Only one dog, but he's big enough to share. And I'd even give him a bath. ("If I'd know you were coming I'd have washed the dog!" It sounds a lot more realistic then the "baked a cake" version.) And we could offer you good food and chocolate. And sheep. Call or email when you get a chance. Rachel has my phone numbers to give to you, if she hasn't already. Peace and happy travaeling! stonering


Darlin, so glad you went and so glad it was All Right. That's a good Valentine's gift from your papa, don'tcha think? xox


Greta - your trip with Rachael and your daughter sounds great. I've just found you through Rachael's site and look forward to more visits to your blog. I'm glad your old house spot is still a happy place. :)


Greta - your trip with Rachael and your daughter sounds great. I've just found you through Rachael's site and look forward to more visits to your blog. I'm glad your old house spot is still a happy place. :)


I've been homesick for my City for the past few weeks and your posts have only made it worse. Hope you are having a wonderful time!


Glad to hear you're enjoying your trip. It looks like you had lots of fun with Rachel. Just how much can you fit in one car?


giggle...*fun* with Rachael is the understatement of the century!When we went to the airport to pick up the rental car, the helpful Hertz lady said "you two SISTERS?" We both grinned. Yeah, kinda. Sistahs....so the hotel internet (not free and totally frustrating) won't let me sign on to typepad to blog...so for today this is as close as I can get....gad, I miss you guys SOOOO MUCH! I'm toying with the possibility of doing Stitches on Friday....so how much can I fit in one car? You aint seen nothin yet! (are yo hummin' EM?..o we ish you were here!)


Glad you're having such a great trip, and if there is any possibility of you being at Stitches, you must do it! Hope you're drinking bucketloads of Peet's!!!

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