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Maybe people take you more seriously in boots because Nancy Sinatra scared the beejeebers out of everyone with 'These Boots Were Made For Walkin'....? ;)

Congratulations to Boy Bird, Mom & Sis for such a successful transition!


giggle...yeah, kim, I hate to admit it, but I had those white boots back then. Loved 'em. Knew how to walk in them, too ;)


Oh THOSE boots - yeah - but did you wear the fishnet stockings with them? The picture's complete without those babies AND did you wear them with the garter belt cause there weren't no such thing as pantyhose? (weird memories of a Barbie garter belt go flitting across my mind) Ummm.... I am revealing I'm OLD - this is not good :( Okay - back to my blog I hobble - LOL (glad to hear the Prince is doing so well)


You already know how I feel about boots.

Such good news about the Boy. Mwah!

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