Yesterday was amazing. Although I broke down sobbing several times, it was a really great release of grief. I needed to do it my own way, in my own time. Danger Girl went looking for her Daddy in all of the usual hang out spots. Even though I am three thousand miles away from the physical places we went together...I tried to recreate a Saturday with my Daddy.
I woke up, had coffee and made the shrine. Sobbed uncontrollably for awhile. Took a shower, got dressed and took daughter to the library to do her research paper for Theatre Appreciation. Went to McDonald's and had a Big Mac. When the original Golden Arches opened in My Home Town....we went as a family, out to dinner. It seems like yesterday. My Daddy had a Big Mac. Yesterday I tried to eat one with him. ICK. My body revolted the rest of the day. Note to don't EAT those things, WHAT were you THINKING?
Next I went to Radio Shack. This is where I go to conjure my Daddy's spirit. He is a regular at the Shack, and I always imagine that he still pops in occasionally for some needle nose pliers or some solder. Sigh.
All those little bins of electrical doo-dads...and YES, I do know all the technical names for them and what they are for, but as a little girl they were doo-dads....cuz DADS, DO stuff with them. Oh brother.
Next, I went to the music store. Looked at the saxaphones, listened to the musicians wandering in to play the pianos and guitars and perused the sheet music. When there was a lull in customer traffic, I asked the manager if he would play something for me. Told him the situation. He went back into the vault and got the Holy Grail and played it for me. First on the acoustic amp, which was lovely, but THEN, oh baby, plug that thang into the twin reverb amp and make my knees weak. This is the guitar of my dreams. It is part of the historical collection, a hybrid of the Gibson L5....and oh yeah, it's BLONDE. It has never been played in the years the manager has been there.....and he was overjoyed to play it for me. I could just barely make out a shadow of a smile in the corner...leaning back against the wall, eyes closed, foot tapping, hey Daddy.
I know if he had been able, that guitar would be home with me right now. Watched it go back into the fuschia silk covered case which looks uncannily like a coffin...
Sat out in the truck and sobbed for a long time.
Went to my studio and took out my Dad's mechanical drafting pencils and drew volumes of cones and parallelograms, and all of the usual warmup exercises for technical drawing. I could smell the unfiltered camels and the prell shampoo and the 30 weight oil that IS my Daddy. Looked through his original drawings from Engineering School in Switzerland (which is why we lived in Zurich, for those of you trying to keep track), his lab notes in precise swiss script.
More weeping, then back to the library to pick up my daughter. She is not quite finished with her paper, so I sit and knit in the big red leather chair that always makes me feel like I'm five years old. It is just TOO big for me. It's a Papa bear chair.
Home for dinner, I get the call that the flowers have been delivered to him. More sobbing. I WANT TO BE THERE. sigh. I light the candle at the shrine and pray.
Play the guitar (the green one, NOT the Holy Grail) until my fingers just can't do it anymore. Work out a reasonable facsimile of The Shadow of Your Smile. One of these days, I am going to play that and record it and dedicate to my Daddy.
Now I am feeling better, I knit some more, do some paperwork, a little reading (about Physics) and fall asleep to dream about running through fields of swiss wildflowers, and throwing my arms around my friends the sheep, I turn my face to the sky to drink in the LIGHT. My Daddy takes my picture.
All is well.
So May it Be
For you, this day as always.
PEACE be with you.