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Isn't it wonderful, getting the tree? The whole routine--the search, the gathering, making sure it's straight, decorating--it's all so much fun. Enjoy!


My eye just caught the first line of your last post, about the circulars falling out of the newspapers. If only! I need a 16" #7, please. :)

P.S. I think the pattern actually belongs to Ann Budd. Who is almost as fabulous as Ms. F.


I love the unwraping orniments part! And one of my email accunts is set to play the *happy dance music* from charlie brown, de dee dee de de... :-)


Enjoy your fresh & fragrant tree. Due to the kitties' shall we say *overwhelming* love of past Xmas trees, we may be passing on it this year. Post a pic of yours when its done for the tree-less!


Oh, that smell.... there's nothing like it, is there? That's one of the many smells of happiness, along with cinnamon and honey and cedar..... Enjoy it for me - I haven't enough room in my fold-down apartment.

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