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I don't know why it's doing that. It hasn't happened to me yet, knock on wood.

You realize, of course, that even if Scout DID pick up the sock, it would only be to EAT it.

loose ends Melissa

I like to blame things on the moon or sunspot action.


And Mars hasn't drifted off too far... But ack, the evil blue screen. Nice laptop, don't even think about it...

Pioneer Voman from de Voods

I'm thinking global warming.


I'm thinking virus... do you have anti-virus software/firewall installed?


you know...this started happening AFTER I installed the new upgraded Firewall....AHA! ZEEEEES may be ze problem! Wooohoo, Danger Girl does dearly love the problem solving...even when it requires brain storming (I'm able to muster up a drizzle, occasionally :) Thank you dear Daisy! Uh oh, now my brain is singing, DAISY, DAISY, give me your answer true...I'm half crazy.....


Aw shucks... ;-0))

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