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You set a wonderful example, Greta. And the Dr. Suess reference will haunt me today--as I try to remember which story contained YOP. Horton hears a Who?

Pioneer Melissa

Hey Twinsky,

First of all, I love your pioneer heart! And, holy cow -- I was just thinking about what I'm going to blog today and your thoughts are playing very nicely with mine. So cool.


Yop, it was Horton all right, A+ for Kim!

More seriously, this is an issue I'm very much wrestling with myself. Recognizing that a lot of my life involves accommodating others, I find myself pondering what I can do to be more authentic. I really agree with you, Greta -- the world would be a more balanced place if we all had more courage to be ourselves, AND if we would be more tolerant of others' paths.

poetry geek

It's a "yawp," and I'm pretty sure it was Whitman!


Sing out, sister! And thanks be for you who have truly found meaning in your work. I'm not at 100%, but enough that I'm happy in it. For now, anyway. But you and Melissa are getting me thinking (again) . . .


Whitman, with a southern accent. Dearly love Theodore Geisel, but this was a song of myself, not an elephant :)
Love this game....

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