De Beeg Waves, dey be breakin' on de North Shore, brah! It feels like Hawaii in here, hence the dialect. It is 103 degrees (F) with the wind chill and the A/C is not working. Due to the Laws that govern such appliances at my house, the part in question (otherwise known as The Source of The Problem) IS (as always) JUST out of warranty and must be ordered. On the day before the Long Weekend during which no Actual Labor takes place. Yep. What we have here is a Problem with a capital P. I calmly (really, wink wink) explained to the helpful Service Manager that I was not being just a Whiney Customer. My son has seizures, which are controlled by medication, one of the side effects of same being a lowered tolerance to Heat Stroke. I do NOT intend to spend the Holiday Weekend in the ER. Been there, Done That, Have the Tee Shirt, thanks anyway.
So, Faithful Reader (dare I use the plural?)I would greatly appreciate it if you are familiar with the idea of intercessory prayer...You would repeat after me.....
"PLEASE. Let the Big Brown Truck bring the Part. Tomorrow. Thank You."
As You Were.
So, instead of working on the Ribby Cardie, which has been rechristened FRED....and which is really at the hot and heavy stage...being as it is WOOL and all...I decided to calm myself down with poetry and the Shawl of Waviness. I am smitten with this pattern. Clear, well written, easy to follow. YAY. Love that. Plus, anything that induces Ocean Imagery is much appreciated at this time of Unbearable Stickiness.
You may notice in the picture (if you are detail oriented) the Thing I Spent My Birthday Money On. The Ebony Circular. The Big Brown Truck brought the box just in time for me to begin shawling along.....have I mentioned how much I am enjoying this? Really.
Lillium here. Actually it is Susan. Remember the days when people told you that you MUST have a name to hide behind on the Web? Well, I thought and thought (this took quite awhile) and came up with Susan = Lily = Lillium - slightly unique and I like the sound. Glad you like the flower. Got you covered on the intercessory prayer - umm except that right about now you probably don't want to be covered - but rather would feel a whole lot better taking the Nestea plunge - ice cubes and all.
Okay, I looked at the shawl pattern and it looks like I might be able to tackle it. However, I need some help finding the yarn and knowing what yarn will work. I like the yarn in the example on the directions, but when I went to the site that was recommended for purchasing it isn't listed. Know of anything comparable to it? Also which knitting needles are better - the bamboo or the steel?
Meanwhile eat some York Peppermint Patties ... and experience the cool.
Posted by: Lillium | August 28, 2003 at 09:29 PM
RATS. You are the second person who followed the links and said NOT WORKING. (gnashing of teeth) I HATE that. However, I'll bet the guys at Threadbear (cuz I heard a rumor that Rob is doing the Shawl too) would have some absolutely fabulous ideas (wink wink).
Posted by: greta | August 29, 2003 at 10:12 AM