I stayed up WAY too late last night arguing with my Inner Child, AKA Danger Girl. (sigh) SHE wants to join the Grammar Avengers! "Come on, it will be FUN, a club for Smart Girls, and we'll get to wear the Cape!"Yes, but the whole point of this blog is to write without editing, or being edited. Remember? No Red Pencils allowed. If I want to use a cute colloquialism, I'm Free to Do so. I KNOW the rules and I like to break them sometimes. All of them at once, occasionally."Don't be such a GEEK. We have our own Strunk and White...we love to craft a clever phrase..and HEY, what about the time someone actually listened to one of your famous ethical social justice RANTS, huh? With some careful editing, as I recall, it was actually used in some awesome Closing Argument, and you did that SWOON thing!!"ADVANTAGE< DANGER GIRLWell, yes (blush) I did do the swoon thing, but that's Different! MATCH POINT< DANGER GIRL,QUIET,PLEASE>All right, here's my offer. We'll LURK politely, and read the sites we LOVE and submit our application in say, a month? Now let's get some SLEEP. I have to actually function tomorrow and I am exhausted.
"Can I have another drink of water and a story? The one about using egregious in a sentence? I LOVE that story."
Okay, one drink. ONE Story.Then we are going to Sleep. Agreed?
"The ring leaders name is Em. As in Auntie Em. We need to join."GAME,SET,andMATCH to DANGER GIRL!
CRAP. See Em's blog for details.
Girl, you've got the goods to be a Gram Aveng. You know you do. I know you do. Lurk away, but we'll get you someday. Mwah hah hah! PS - Love the yarn you're using for the wave! Makes me re-think my basic black.
Posted by: Rachael | August 28, 2003 at 12:03 AM
Holy ruby slippers! The "Auntie Em" connection completely slipped my mind. I was coming here to tell you that anyone who stays up all hours worrying about whether to join absolutely belongs in the ring, and then I read this post and I am very glad that Danger Girl won out. I love your writing and look forward to much more of it, rules or not!
Posted by: Em | August 28, 2003 at 09:13 AM
Be still my beating heart...I've been invited to Join :)
Truth be told, Danger Girl almost always wins. I used to try and shut her up. I'm having a lot more FUN now.
Posted by: greta | August 28, 2003 at 09:46 AM
Boy did this strike a chord in me! I have been trying to get my niece and son to begin blogging so that they would establish a habit of writing. Both complied and then I saw their grammar and spelling errors. Yes, a blog is supposed to be an free expression BUT.... give me a break. There does come a time when lack of capitalization, punctuation, and correct grammar does detract from the posts. Not that I am saying that I don't make errors - because I do and I will. And some of it is my desire to freely be me. I enjoy your posts and have you listed at my site. By the way - any ideas for another knitting project that is easy but nice? Scarf or a not to difficult cap? I can knit and purl - LOL.
Posted by: lillium | August 28, 2003 at 10:11 AM
Do join us in the SHAWL a long. It is BEAUTIFUL and easy. Really. I am smitten. The directions are CLEAR (even a mermaid could do this if she TRIED) the needles are BIG (read:nearly instant gratification)and the resulting waves and shells show off variegated yarns to great advantage.
How can I resist emailing a girl whose name is the Latin for one of my favorite flower groups? :)
Posted by: greta | August 28, 2003 at 11:27 AM